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Company :

Joomla!The Monti & C. is a company founded in Montecatini Terme in 1947 on initiative of its founder Carlo Monti. In 1973, with the growth of the refrigeration market and artisan industrial and air-conditioning, and with the demand for new and more appropriate technologies, the founder Carlo Monti gave rise, with new partners Paul Di Grazia, Loreno Niccolai and Leandro Papini at the Monti & C , company that has always operated with the most advanced technological innovations and for that it has been able to acquire a unique technical heritage, applied in the design, construction, supply and installation of isothermal rooms and systems for industrial, commercial and experimental refrigerated preservation. 

In 2014, the sons of members, Christian Niccolai and Federico Papini took part in this important reality in market of climatisation, thus giving rise at the Monti & C TECNOLOGIE DEL FREDDO SRL. We strongly believe that in order to optimize the results in the field of refrigerated preservation, we need to get to know all the features of the individual products to be preserved and it is for this that the Monti & C. has always invested in innovation and improvement of technologies applied in refrigeration, with a constant research and development due to continuous collaboration with the most quoted study organizations and research University, ENEA, CNR and Experimental Centres, research Institutes and Agricultural and Food development, with whom we have a constant relationship of collaboration.

Among our best customers are the most efficient and demanding companies operating in the Italian and international markets. Our technical and sales staff, focusing on technology, flexibility and customization is available to offer the best turnkey solutions, and meet at 360 degrees the needs of our customers following them from the first installation site inspection. Our customer service continues even after installation thanks to a monitoring system with remote control system and thanks to compliance with all safety standards and required procedures (record of equipment, temperature certification, etc.) throughout the duration of activity of system.

Areas where our best customers operate:

- Fruit and Vegetable
- Floriculture and plant nursery
- Dairy
- Processing and storage of meat
- Semi-processed foods and conservation
- Germination and seed
- Research, testing, pharmaceutical
- Gastronomy, bakery and confectionary
- Clean rooms
- Trade, logistics, retail
- Air conditioning: industrial and commercial

The catalog of our company.


F GAS Certified Company

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Come Visit Us

Monti&C. Teconologie del Freddo S.r.l
Via Terra Rossa Fonda, 172
51011 Borgo a Buggiano, PT
C.F e P.IVA N. 01841260472
REA PT-184056 - Cap. Soc. 30.000
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Contact Us

Phone: (+39) 0572 30064
Fax: (+39) 0572 30186

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Open Hours

Monday - Friday:
8-12 / 14-18


Sunday: Chiusi :)
Copyright © 2025 Monti&C. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Daniele Grotti"